Configuring Search

How to Change the Default Full-Text Search Language of the Ivanti Server

Configuring Ivanti for Searching in PDF Files

Working with Filter Panels for Searching

Working with Object Matching and Related Items

Configuring Search Settings

Default Saved Searches

Also refer to Translating Saved Searches.

How to Change the Default Full-Text Search Language of the Ivanti Server

About the Full-Text Index Language

Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language for a Tenant

Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language for a Single Field

Troubleshooting Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language

About the Full-Text Index Language

When creating a full-text index, you must specify a column-level language for the indexed column. Full-text queries on the column use the word breakers and stemmers of the specified language.

A word breaker tokenizes the text being indexed on word boundaries, which are language specific. Therefore, word-breaking behavior differs among different languages. Stemming in full-text queries is the process of searching for all stemmed forms of a word (for example, drive, driving, drove, etc) in a particular language. When you use a generic word breaker to process several languages, the stemming process works only for the language specified for the column, not for other languages in the column.

In this workspace, the application displays a list of all of the business objects and any non-derived fields that have the Full-text Indexed field set to true.

Depending on the size of your database, the first time that you rebuild the indexes for a language, it may take several minutes. The process goes faster for subsequent rebuilds. We recommend setting only a limited number of fields to full-text indexed, because setting too many fields can cause performance issues.

Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language for a Tenant

As a whole, you can change the default full-text search language for a tenant for the following:

All text and binary fields that are non-derived fields.

All text and binary fields that are marked with the Full-text Indexed attribute. To see if a field is marked with the Full-text Indexed attribute, go to Build > Business Objects, open the business object, click the Fields tab, click a field to open it, and under Field Attributes, look for the Full-text Indexed option.

All text and binary fields that are not marked with the Localized attribute. To see if a field is marked with the Localized attribute, go to Build > Business Objects, open the business object, click the Fields tab, click a field to open it, and under Field Attributes, look for the Localized option.

Follow these steps:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Search Tools > Full-Text Indexes to open the Full-Text Indexes workspace.

2.In the Default Full-Text Language field, select the language to use. The set of languages to choose from is from Microsoft SQL Server and therefore you cannot modify the values that are displayed here.

3.Click Save.

4.At the confirmation message, click Yes. The application starts rebuilding the full-text indexes and displays a status bar.

Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language for a Single Field

To set the default full-text search language for a single field within Neurons for ITSM, follow these steps:

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects.

2.Open the business object with the field to change.

3.Click the Fields tab and then click the field to open it.

4.Under Full-Text Properties, for the Language Term field, select the language to use. The set of languages to choose from is from Microsoft SQL Server and therefore you cannot modify the values that are displayed here.

5.Click Save.

Defining a New Global Constant for Full Text Search Relevancy

Customers who want to roll back the Full Text Search Relevancy to the older model used for releases proior to Ivanti Neurons for ITSM 2017.1, must define a new Global Constant. Changing the settings for the global constant will either enable or disable the feature. For information about how to create a global constant refer to Creating a Global Constant.

Parameter Description


Enter the name for the constant exactly as shown.



False disables the new model and reverts the search relevancy to 2016.x functionality. Set the Value to True to enable the newer functionalityThe value for the global constant.




Revert search behavior.

Troubleshooting Changing the Default Full-Text Search Language

The application rebuilds the full-text index using a separate thread. If there are any issues, the application displays a message indicating the problem. For example, you may see the following errors:

"Rebuilding the full-text indexes failed at x%. See the application logs for more information." The application displays this error if there is a problem with rebuilding the indexes.

"Rebuilding the full-text indexes failed. Unhandled application exception: The full-text indexes rebuild is already running." The application displays this error if you try to rebuild the full-text index while it is still running.

"Checking the full-text indexes rebuild state failed. Unhandled system exception." The application displays this error if there are any errors while the application checks the rebuild state. The application does not stop rebuilding the full-text indexes, but it does stop sharing the progress of the rebuild.

Do the following to see the logs:

1.Log into the Service Desk Console.

2.Open the Logs workspace. The application displays a list of logs.

3.Click the arrow next to Error Code and check Show in groups.  The application displays the logs by error code.

4.Look for the logs for the Exception error code or the InvalidOperationException error code and double-click the log associated with the error to open it.

Configuring Ivanti for Searching in PDF Files

The following procedure only applies to on-premise installations.

In order to search within PDFs in Neurons for ITSM, for example, in the Neurons for ITSM Knowledge Base, you must download and install the Adobe iFilter, which is a plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server.

Downloading the iFilter

Setting the iFilter Path

Rebuilding the FRS_Knowledge Full-Text Index

Downloading the iFilter

1.Download the Adobe PDF iFilter version 11 from

2.Run the executable.

3.If you have a Sharepoint implementation, do the following:

a. Stop the Microsoft IIS admin service by choosing Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrator Tools > Services > IIS Admin Service > Stop.
b. Close the window.

4.Restart your computer.

Setting the iFilter Path

Depending on your application, do one of the following:

For Windows 7, 64-bit:

1.From the Start menu, click Computer.

2.On the toolbar, click System properties.

3.On the left, click Advanced system settings.

4.Click the Advanced tab.

5.Click Environment Variables....

6.In the System variables section, highlight Path.

7.Click Edit....

8.Set the PATH variable to the bin folder from where you installed the iFilter. For example, in the PATH variable, add the path C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 11 for 64-bit platforms\bin\.

9.Confirm that you set the path correctly by opening a command prompt and typing path. The application displays all of the paths defined for the application, including the path for the iFilter.

10.Restart the Microsoft SQL Server.

For Windows 8, 64-bit:

1.From the Start menu, click Control Panel > System > Advanced.

2.Click Environment Variables....

3.In the System variables section, highlight Path.

4.Click Edit....

5.Set the PATH variable to the bin folder from where you installed the iFilter. For example, in the PATH variable, add the path C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 11 for 64-bit platforms\bin\.

6.Confirm that you set the path correctly by opening a command prompt and typing path. The application displays all of the paths defined for the application, including the path for the iFilter.

7.Restart the Microsoft SQL Server.

For Windows XP, 64 bit:

1.From the Start menu, click Control Panel > System > Advanced.

2.Click Environment Variables....

3.In the System variables section, highlight Path.

4.Click Edit....

5.Set the PATH variable to the bin folder from where you installed the iFilter. For example, in the PATH variable, add the path C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe PDF iFilter 11 for 64-bit platforms\bin\.

6.Confirm that you set the path correctly by opening a command prompt and typing path. The application displays all of the paths defined for the application, including the path for the iFilter.

7.Restart the Microsoft SQL Server.

Rebuilding the FRS_Knowledge Full-Text Index

1.From the Configuration Console, click Build > Business Objects to open the Business Objects workspace.

2.Open the Knowledge business object.

3.Click the Fields tab.

4.Open any field that has a checkmark in the Full-Text Indexed column. The application displays the workspace for the field.

5.Under Field Attributes, uncheck Full-Text Indexed.

6.Click Save.

The application rebuilds the entire full-text index. This process can take more than 20 minutes. To determine if the process has finished, open the Task Manager and look for the SQL Full Text host entry. When it stops running, the index has been rebuilt.

7.Open the same field again.

8.Under Field Attributes, check Full-Text Indexed.

9.Click Save.

The application rebuilds the entire full-text index. This process can take more than 20 minutes. To determine if the process has finished, open the Task Manager and look for the SQL Full Text host entry. When it stops running, the index has been rebuilt.